Green Cat Stair Project...
 Materials: 11.0 Seed Beads, Bugle Beads, 0,30mm Fishing Line (I’ m not sure what do you call this in English, but in Turkish we call that thread as Fishing Line)
Step1: To become more meaningful, I have done the first part of the Project as you see in the Figure2. Project begins with stringing a seed bead, a bugle bead and then again a seed bead, a bugle bead. Next, samae as Step3 Cross your Fishing Line through the seed in Figure4
Step2: String a seed bead and a bugle bead.
 Step3: Cross your Fishing Line through the seed bead (the red circled) as in Figure4.
 Step4: Pull the fishing line until the beads are snug.
 Step5: Repeat the steps 2-3-4 until you reached the desired length (earring or necklace).
Comments on ""
RE: Green Bugle Bead Demo
I'm sorry. It still isn't clear just HOW you begin and which path the thread takes. Perhaps if you have an image where you only have the fishing line and 1 bead and start from there for clarity.
Project begins with stringing a seed bead, a bugle bead and then again a seed bead, a bugle bead. Next, same as Step3 Cross your Fishing Line through the seed (the red circled) as in Figure4.
Merhaba canim kolye cok guzel yapilis seklini anlatimin da cok guzel ama ben basini yapamadim :( eger anlata bilirsen cok sevinirim
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