Green Cat Stair Project...
 Materials: 11.0 Seed Beads, Bugle Beads, 0,30mm Fishing Line (I’ m not sure what do you call this in English, but in Turkish we call that thread as Fishing Line)
Step1: To become more meaningful, I have done the first part of the Project as you see in the Figure2. Project begins with stringing a seed bead, a bugle bead and then again a seed bead, a bugle bead. Next, samae as Step3 Cross your Fishing Line through the seed in Figure4
Step2: String a seed bead and a bugle bead.
 Step3: Cross your Fishing Line through the seed bead (the red circled) as in Figure4.
 Step4: Pull the fishing line until the beads are snug.
 Step5: Repeat the steps 2-3-4 until you reached the desired length (earring or necklace).